I was hired on for my FIRST real job two and a half weeks ago. I've been finger printed and drug tested and will hopefully get keys to a classroom soon! I'm only 21 years old (and I mean just turned 21) so this all seems pretty unreal. The last few weeks I have been constantly monitoring pinterest for some awesome classroom ideas as well as talking with some of my other teacher friends. I have seen or heard so many good ideas lately I don't know how I'm going to keep up with them all or remember to use them all! But I guess I will do my best! Right now I just want to figure out what grade I'm teaching next year! (it's still be decided if I'll be put into sixth or seventh, at least I know it's going to be science)
Just so you know, I'm very new at blogging, and by very new at this I mean I don't know what I'm doing at all. I'm also not the best speller (good thing I'm not an English teacher). All of the previous posts on this blog are from my student teaching experience last spring. I really hope I do a better job this year of updating this than I did during my internship. Anyways, back to pinterest. While looking through pinterest I found some awesome pins pertaining to science notebooking. Once I started clicking I quickly found out they all went to the same blog, appropriately called 'Science Notebooking'. I must say, since finding this blog I have spent way too much time in front of my computer reading through the very helpful posts. In fact, I even used one of her ideas in my student teaching without even knowing it. Anyways, I thought I'd post the link to her blog so others could check it out. I know I don't have very many followers but I know at least one is an education major (Tori) so maybe it'll help out. Either way I'm super excited to start Inter Active Notebooking soon even though I still have a million questions.
Click Here for Science Notebooking Blog