Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Getting Started

I'm new to this whole Blogging thing so forgive me if I get off to a rough start. I'm writing this so my readers can learn about the experiences of an agriculture education student-teacher. So for a little background knowledge I am a senior in college, 20 years old, and interning at a middle school in Central Florida. This is a pretty urban area so my students don't have much of an agriculture background for the most part. This has only been my second day at the school and I haven't been leading the classroom at all yet. I know I don't have a lot of patience and that will make this job extremely difficult so one of my goals for the next three months is to work on that. I'm working away at lessons and getting a lot done so I'm excited to start being in charge of the classroom as much as I am afraid to be in charge of the classroom. I take over Friday for the first time so I'll be checking back to let you know how it goes. Oh and thanks for reading :) Have a great day!

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